"Famous Department" brand mark

    Luxury decorative green fans, lighting manufacturers


    • 2014 Nanlang town charity blessing
    • 2013 Nanlang town science and technology progress prize three
    • 2013 Nanlang town economic contribution second prize
    • 2012 Nanlang town economic contribution second prize
    • 2012 South Langzhen export second prize
    • Zhongshan City, defensive enterprises in 2011 for 5 consecutive years
    • 2011 Nam Long town of science and technology three funds into advanced units
    • Zhongshan defensive enterprises in 2010 for 4 consecutive years
    • 2010 Nam Longzhen independent innovation of advanced science and technology units
    • 2010年度南朗鎮(zhèn)廣東省民營科技企業(yè)
    • 2009 Zhongshan outstanding private enterprises
    • 2009 Guangdong Provincial Association of household appliances industry governing units
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